As Kathryn is on a business trip, we had 5 hrs free between both of Michael’s classes. In those 5 hrs Hugh and I sat in the library, working on our website for Michael’s assignment.
In the evening, as usual, we had Paul for 3 hrs. We continued with our Assignment2.draft, which was not that hard.
For the upcoming weekend we planned to do the Tongariro Crossing. That’s a one day hike over and between two huge mountains on the North Island of New Zealand, but since the weather forecast for the weekend was pretty bad and predicted rain, we decided not to do it. Instead we’re hoping to find another weekend where we can do it.
Because I didn’t go to Michael’s class yesterday, I went today. And this time I gave the presentation about my website assignment „Pure Germany„. It’s name is based on the Facebook page „Pure New Zealand“ and should provide information for tourists in Germany. The goal however was not to build a full website about activities in Germany, but rather to improve my skills in PHP and JavaScript, and try bootstrap for the first time. Therefore, I included a header via PHP and passed information like title and image header through. Then, I used JavaScript to make the image header fixed after scrolling it to top.
At night, I worked on a brochure job for my Furtwangen University back home until very late. The problem is that I have to fit 20 courses into a brochure that before included only 7 programs. I was able to reduce the space by using icons but things still wouldn’t fit. So I sent a first draft to my boss to review and discuss what we could do.
Today, I decided to continue on my travel blog. I know that many of you are waiting for it and I have to catch up as I am a few weeks behind. And, the longer I leave it, the harder it will be to catch up. So that’s why I, from now on, will try to update daily instead of weekly. That’s still gonna be weekly entries, just updated on a daily base. So my first entry after a while is this one. And whenever I find the time, I will catch up with missing weeks in between.
I made some finale changes on my Internet & Web assignment and finally uploaded it.
I used the time today to catch up on some of the previous weeks of my travel blog. Started the 10 days trip with week 11 🙂
Also made the biggest shopping trip so far in New Zealand. Did some grocery shopping in New World and ended up with 8 bags 😛
Today, I started working on my assignment for Multimedia. It’s gonna be an Android app with image, video, audio, text and animation included. Because I don’t feel confident enough to do it in Android Studio yet, I started in MakeMeDroid, an app builder just like Appy-Pie.
In the evening, I watched the second to last episode of „Schlag den Raab“ online. That’s the German (and original) version of „Beat the star„. The celebrity and competitor „Stefan Raab“ will retire at the and of the year and so there won’t be any more episodes when I’m back in Germany. 🙁