Holiday Trip Day 5 (Week 12) – Glass Bottom Boat | Museum | Awesome Spa | Port Charles | Dangerous Road


Today after breakfast we went to the wharf again to do the originally planed Glass Bottom Boat Trip. It also took about 2h but actually wasn’t that much of a new experience. Most things we’ve already done and seen the day before. And there weren’t too many fish this time. Only thing that was new was a ray lying on the ocean ground.

Back on the dry land, Chas wanted to go to a nearby museum. It was very small and provided some history about New Zealand. Especially about James Cook who claimed New Zealand to the British and put in at Whitianga almost 250 years ago.

Back at Ann’s she had some tickets for a nearby spa for us. That should be the last activity in Whitianga as we wanted to leave towards Port Charles today. But that Spa was really amazing! While our electronic devices were charging we relaxed in some hot pools. It was a geothermal spa which means that the warm water comes from some natural hot springs and the scenery was made to look very natural. And they even bring you cocktails to the pools 🙂

But the tickets were just valid for 2h so then we went back, took our phones, cameras & co. and hit the road again. Ann already warned us against the gravel road on our way. But not only can it be dangerous, it also takes forever to get somewhere. For 50km our GPS predicted 1h 20mins and I think it was even longer. But it’s also very adventurous to drive through the middle of nowhere. Our only problem: petrol. We knew that there won’t be any gas station where we’re heading to and we’re getting further and further away from the last one. The needle on the scale went a bit up again, as the road went down but as soon as the road went up, the needle went down. And to top it all, it also became darker and we still would have to build up our tents on the campsite we’re heading to. It’s gonna be a DOC-Campsite which means it’s pretty basic. Not a real office and only cold showers and long-drops.

So then finally, when it was completely dark, we arrived on the campsite. As we were just about to build up our tent using our car’s headlights, a guy from a camper bus came and told us that we can’t put our tents here. Apparently that meadow was very wet because of a stream coming from a hill. So we packed everything back together and looked for another place. That one seemed the be even better because it was really close to the beach. So again built up our tents in the light of our car’s headlights and some flash lights.

After we were done, we were really happy to lie onto our camping mats in our tents. I set up a time-lapse of the stars because the sky was really clear. Sandra and I then started to watch „King’s Men“. Sandra however fell asleep just before the end when the movie was the most exiting 😛 When I went out to check the camera I realised that it became quite cloudy. So I stopped the time-lapse and went to bed. After I put the time-lapse together, I saw that the clouds and the moon coming up behind the hills looked pretty nice and I wished I would have done longer. Next time I know better 🙂
